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Year 2

Year 2 Team

Morning and End of Day Routines

Start time: 8:50am    -      Finish Time 3.20

Break Time: 10:30       Lunch Time: 12:00

Daily Mile: Children will take part in Daily Mile in the afternoon at 2:00pm. This is to help our children to improve the physical, social, emotional and mental health and wellbeing. We ask that children wear comfortable shoes every day.

Home time: 3:20

After school boosters (3:15 – 4:00)



It is crucial that the school office have the current and up-to-date contact details (phone numbers and email addresses). Please contact them if your details have changed.

At Mayville Primary, we pride ourselves on our open-door policy, but current circumstances make this more difficult. Therefore, if you need to speak to your child’s class teacher, you can either contact the office and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Alternatively, you could contact teachers via Google Class.


General Class Housekeeping

PE:  Year 2 PE is on a Monday. Children should arrive wearing the clothes they need for PE on this day.

What to bring to school

We encourage children to not bring backpacks into school unless absolutely necessary so as to limit the number of items they bring in from home each day.

All your children need to bring is:

  • A named water bottle
  • A named packed lunch (if not school dinners)
  • Their reading record


We are very excited about the work we will be doing in Year 2 this year. We will be teaching the full Year 2 curriculum.

Although there is a lot to cover and there will be some focus on End of Keystaf 1 assessment, please be assured we will still be teaching a broad curriculum and children will have plenty of opportunities to take part in other subjects they enjoy such as PE, Dance, Music, Computing, Art, Science, History and Geography. There will also be a full PSHE programme running throughout the year covering a range of topics to support pupil well-being.


Weekly Home Learning

In Year 2, weekly home learning will be provided as a hard copy. Home learning will be provided on a Friday and is expected to be completed and returned to school the following Wednesday.


In Year 2 children will need to complete

  • 10 minutes of reading every day
  • Weekly spelling practice
  • Weekly reading comprehension
  • Weekly maths home learning
  • Half-termly/termly topic learning


All children will take part in termly assessments to evaluate their progress at the End of Key Stage 1 and ensure that we are addressing any gaps in their learning. These assessments take place in second half of term on the fifth week. While we will work hard towards these assessments and ensure your children are prepared, we want our children to feel relaxed and optimistic towards the tests.