School Uniform
Mayville Primary School Uniform
All children can wear any of the following items as part of their school uniform. Most items can be purchased from the school office, please see the list below:
- School Blazer -Year 5 and 6 Children (£26.00)
- School Tie (£4.50) Elastic tie (£3.50)
- White Shirt
- Grey Trousers / Grey Skirt
- Summer Dresses - Blue Gingham Dress (£5.00)
- School Jumper (sizes 26 - 32 = £9.00, size 34 = £10.00 and sizes 22" - 28" = £15.00)
- Cardigan
- School Book Bag KS1 (£7.00)
- Black Suitable Shoes
- Skirt (£15.00)
- PE Bag (Available from School Office)
- PE Kit - Black Tracksuit Bottoms or Black Shorts White T-Shirt (Plain) and Plimsolls or Trainers
Black Suitable Shoes - Trainer Style (preferably with velcro)
Also, available from School Office are School Fleeces, School Coat, Summer Caps, and Winter Scarves
No Jewellery is to be worn at school except studded earrings
Please make sure all uniform is clearly marked inside with name of your child