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Religious Education

At Mayville Primary School, we have designed our RE curriculum with the intent that our children will become resilient, attentive and inquisitive learners. We believe that it is vital for all our children to learn from and about religion, so that they can understand the world around them, making connections to other beliefs and between their own values. The principle aim of RE is to engage our children in an enquiry approach by asking questions about the world around them, allowing children to gain high quality experiences.  We use Discovery RE scheme of work, which implements the agreed Waltham Forest Religious Education syllabus as the basis for our curriculum.

We will deliver a curriculum that:

  • Celebrates the diverse and rich community at Mayville Primary School.
  • Inspires creative learning through excellent teaching practices that build on prior R.E. learning and allow for repetition and progression of skills that build upon high starting points.
  • Our curriculum embraces the community, in which it is situated, recognising local places of worship including church, mosque, cathedral and temple. 
  • Is inclusive, develops self-confidence and identifies that all our children are unique and therefore we should all be tolerant of each other’s beliefs.
  • Encourages our children to be inquisitive about others beliefs developing inquiry based R.E. skills that allow them to culturally aware of the world around them. 
  • Promotes equality and understanding of the British values and ensures they are prepared for life in modern Britain.

The R.E. curriculum is led and overseen by Ms Iqbal who will monitor, evaluate, review and celebrate good practice.

  • The R.E. curriculum will follow the SACRE scheme of work by Waltham Forest
  • Teachers will follow the scheme of work from Discovery RE
  • R.E. follows a whole school approach, which will be taught discretely
  • R.E. Lessons will build upon prior learning and develop skills year upon year.
  • All year groups will cover Christianity and build on prior learning 
  • Years 1, 2 and 4 will cover Judaism, Years 2 and 6 will cover Islam, and Years 3 and 5 will cover Hinduism.

In addition:

  • The R.E. subject leader will be given training and the opportunity to keep developing their own subject knowledge, skills and understanding, so they can support curriculum development and their colleagues throughout the school.
  • Assessment of R.E. will be in line with the whole school feedback policy and teachers will assess progress and attainment of R.E.


  • Children will have a stronger consciousness of the world around them and will be attentive of the beliefs of others.
  • Children will feel they are valued as individuals and that their beliefs are respected and celebrated.
  • Enjoyment of the R.E. curriculum will stimulate creativity, success, confidence and inquisitive minds.  
  • Children feel safe to learn new things and share their beliefs with others in an accepting environment.
  • Children leave the school with a sense of belonging to a strongly knit community where they have the confidence and skills to make choices, self-evaluate, make connections and become lifelong learners.​