At Mayville, we intend for children to explore their creativity, develop their musicality and a life-long love of music. Our children will be developing their skills, knowledge and understanding to become confident performers, composers and listeners. Our music curriculum introduces our children to a diverse range of music from all around the world and across generations, teaching the children to appreciate and respect the music from all traditions and communities.
Children will delve into the musical skills of singing, playing tuned and un-tuned instruments, listening, responding, improvising and composing music. Through music, our children will be enhancing their transferable skills such as team-working, leadership, creative thinking, problem-solving, presentation and performance skills.
Through our holistic approach to music, we aim to capture our children’s imagination to encourage them to explore music enthusiastically. Our children are provided with the opportunity to develop their musical skills and understanding of how music works by participating in musical activities from a range of styles and traditions.
Our Key Stage 2 children are encouraged to participate in one to one Music sessions with specialist teachers who support develop children’s talent and performance which also assists in developing social skills, and provides an outlet for creativity that is crucial to a child's development.
Our curriculum is based upon the individual strands below, which are woven together to create an engaging and enriching learning experiences:
· Listening
· Composing
· Performing
· The history of music
· The inter-related dimensions of music (pitch, duration, tempo, timbre, structure, texture and dynamics)
Music and the National Curriculum
Key Stage 1
Pupils should be taught to:
· Use their voices expressively and creatively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes
· Play tuned and untuned instruments musically
· Listen with concentration and understanding to a range of high-quality live and recorded music
· Experiment with, create, select and combine sounds using the inter-related dimensions of music.
Key Stage 2
Pupils should be taught to sing and play musically with increasing confidence and control. They should develop an understanding of musical composition, organising and manipulating ideas within musical structures and reproducing sounds from aural memory.
Pupils should be taught to:
· Play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts, using their voices and playing musical instruments with increasing accuracy, fluency, control and expression
· Improvise and compose music for a range of purposes using the inter-related dimensions of music · Listen with attention to detail and recall sounds with increasing aural memory
· Use and understand staff and other musical notations
· Appreciate and understand a wide range of high-quality live and recorded music drawn from different traditions and from great composers and musicians
· Develop an understanding of the history of music.