Reception Team
Morning and End of Day Routines
Start time: 9.15 am
Finish time: 3.15 pm
The Nursery gate will open at 9 am. Reception parents can now bring their child to their class door just before 9.15 and pick them up outside the class door at 3.15pm.
Lunch Time: 11:45
Children start the day completing their daily calendar, register and begin carpet time learning by 9.30. We ask that children wear comfortable shoes every day as we access both indoors and outdoors learning.
Home time: 3:20
Different After School Club activities run from Autumn 2 on Thursdays from 3.30 - 4.00.
It is crucial that the school office have the current and up-to-date contact details (phone numbers and email addresses). Please contact them if your details have changed.
At Mayville Primary, we pride ourselves on our open-door policy, but current circumstances make this more difficult. Therefore, if you need to speak to your child’s class teacher, you can either contact the office and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Alternatively, you could contact teachers via Google Class.
General Class Housekeeping
Dance- Autumn term every Thursdays. Please ensure children are dressed in their PE kit on this day.
PE - Reception PE is every Thursday. Children must come dressed in their PE kit on this day
What to bring to school
We encourage children to not bring backpacks into school unless absolutely necessary so as to limit the number of items they bring in from home each day.
What to bring to school:
- A named water bottle
- A named packed lunch (if not school dinners.
- Children should bring a school book bag(or appropriate alternative) and their reading record
- Please ensure that items of clothing are labelled with your child’s name
The Early Years curriculum promotes the school’s values and aims to create lasting memories and a joy of learning. Our topics are introduced with an exciting hook each time and children learn key skills through a well-organised and engaging learning environment.
- Half-termly projects (mostly for the holidays) that can be visiting the National History Museum if we are learning about dinosaurs, going to the park to collect natural resources if we are learning about Autumn, make a collage or painting at home if we are learning about African patterns etc
We use the Read Write Inc. validated phonics program and this begins promptly in September. The children learn in small groups each day and books are matched to their reading level.
Weekly Home Reading
In Reception, children receive weekly reading books every Thursday.
We will also introduce phonics books once children have reached a certain point in Read Write Inc scheme. Please remember to bring your reading record and your book every Thursday to change it. We recommend that you read with your child daily.
Weekly Home Learning
In Reception children receive:
- Weekly phonics or fine motor homework.
- Book Talk activities each term we have a new story.
- Half term projects.
- Weekly reading books.
Google Classroom
We have Google Classroom login details for all children. This platform is used to update parents/Guardians about what is happening in the nursery throughout the year. We share pictures of the activities or role-play area that has been set up for the children. Some parents can also use this to share any pictures of what their child has been learning at home. We always welcome photos of any trips that the children might have been on during their weekend or half term break.
On entry to Reception, we assess the children using the Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA). This is online and involves several play based and practical activities. It is completed with your child in their first 6 weeks of school. The results are not shared with teachers or parents and are instead used to measure the school’s progress. For more information please visit:
At the end of the Reception year, we assess the children against the Early Learning Goals in the seven areas of learning. This gives an indication of your child’s progress and any areas they need developing. Every child is unique and meets these goals at different times. The class teacher will discuss your child’s learning development throughout the Reception year and a report will be given in summer term.
Thank you, we look forward to your child’s learning journey in Reception.